Monday, February 24, 2014

Aussie nails monday- saran wrap mani and tutorial

Today with Aussie nails monday we were given saran wrap mani for the challenge. I personally have never done this mani before. so i looked it up and decided to do a quicky tutorial on how to create this mani so others can do it too :)

First up you will need 2 different polishes.

I chose Ulta3 mermaid green and Ulta3 gold rush fever., you will also need some saran wrap (cling wrap) in bits scrunched up to dab on your wet nails.

1- paint your nails one colour. ensure they are totally dry.
2- then one finger at a time paint a good thick coat of your second colour polish.
3- with the cling wrap dab once /twice lightly to pick up some of the polish off your nail.
4. you will see the marble effect created. wait to dry and then pop on a clear top coat.

Once all your nails are done you will have a marbled finished effect on your nails.

It is a cute and quick effect to create on your nails with not too much clean up!

Until next time.......
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1 comment:

  1. So pretty! I'm totally going to give this a try this weekend!


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